Data model of CSV metadata files of

In FIND In AWK In BASH Key Sample data (in file 505) Description of column
/// $1 tmpRec[0] /// constant ///, leading field
S,B,L $2 tmpRec[1] PK1 UPDATE S = <sourceDir>, B = <backupDir>, L = last run record
in CSV files from 380 up: the action code (NEW, UPDATE, REMOVE, MKDIR, RMDIR etc)
1) part of primary key only in CSV files 370 through 505
%y $3 tmpRec[2] f file's type (d = directory, f = file, h = hardlink2, l = symbolic link, p/s/c/b/D = other)
2) the value "h" can occur in CSV files from 360 up if option --detectHLinksS was given
2) hardlinks means here: the second, third, etc. links to the multiply linked (hardlinked) files
%s $4 tmpRec[3] 17638 file's size in bytes
%Ts $5 tmpRec[4] 1610015339 file's last modification time, seconds since 01/01/1970
%F $6 tmpRec[5] ext4 type of the filesystem the file is on
%D $7 tmpRec[6] 2068 device number the file is on
%i $8 tmpRec[7] 7994402 file's inode number
%n $9 tmpRec[8] 1;1 number of hardlinks to file
in CSV files from 380 up: number of hardlinks <sourceDir> + ; + number of hardlinks <backupDir>
hardlinks means here: all hardlinks (i.e. including the first one)
%u $10 tmpRec[9] FK1 fitus file's user name
(foreign key to list of users on the system)
%g $11 tmpRec[10] FK2 fitusgroup file's group name
(foreign key to list of user groups on the system)
%m $12 tmpRec[11] 660 file's permission bits (in octal)
3) $13 tmpRec[12] 43cdc890b...e4251ae98 SHA-256 hash of file's contents (if $3 == "f" and option --sha256 was given, 0 otherwise)
3) the SHA-256 hashes are calculated by sha256sum invoked by FIND on each file
%P $14 tmpRec[13] PK mypictures/picture.png file's path with <sourceDir> or <backupDir> stripped
in the records for <sourceDir> or <backupDir> themselves: an empty string
in CSV files up to 500, slash (/) is appended and then all slashes are escaped by ///s
tabs in filenames are always escaped by ///t
newlines in filenames are always escaped by ///n
/// $15 tmpRec[14] /// constant ///, terminator field
this terminator field is essential for the escaping algorithm for the file's paths in AWKCLEANER
%l4 $16 tmpRec[15] target path of symbolic link (if $3 == "l")
4) for symlinks with target paths with three or more consecutive slashes, script is used instead
slashes are always escaped by ///s
tabs are always escaped by ///t
newlines are always escaped by ///n

for hardlinks2 (if $3 == "h"): path of the first link (the "file") with <sourceDir> stripped
tabs are always escaped by ///t
newlines are always escaped by ///n
/// $17 tmpRec[16] /// constant ///, terminator field
this terminator field is essential for the escaping algorithm for target paths of symbolic links in AWKCLEANER